The Complete In Flames Discography

An encyclopedia for the collector and completest on all things In Flames

Jesterhead - The Official In Flames Colony

   Like most great bands, In Flames has an official fanclub. The Jesterhead, as it is called, is like most fan clubs in that it promises to deliver all the information before anywhere else. Through my 3 years as a member, this has rang true 98% of the time. Let's be honest, some things are just out of our hands.

   The Jesterhead was formed in December 2007 and launched for 2008. Each year offers a new package which contains various items much like other fan clubs. T-Shirts, introductory letter, picture and other assorted trinkets.

   The 'Colony' as it is often called is run by Neil Lim Sang. Perhaps you've seen him in the Used And Abused DVD.

2008 Colony Package

The first ever Colony package contains the following:

  1. 2008 Jesterhead T-Shirt.
  2. Printed, autographed band picture (Some were actually signed in ink).
  3. Introductory letter from a band member. Each member wrote their own letter (mine was from Jesper).
  4. Two special In Flames guitar pics. There are five colours in total.
  5. Jesterhead patch.
  6. Jesterhead pin.



Seen below is a complete set of all 5 coloured Jesterhead guitar pics as well as the letter from Daniel Svensson. If you have the letter from Bjorn, Anders or Peter, feel free to email me.


2009 Colony Package

Contains the usual items such as a picture, introductory letter and T-shirt as well as a keychain and guitar pic.

  1. 2009 Jesterhead T-Shirt
  2. Printed, autographed band picture (Some were actually signed in ink).
  3. Introductory letter written by the entire band.
  4. A Keychain
  5. A Guitar Pic. It should be noted that the guitar pic shown below was the intended guitar pic but wasn't available when the 2009 packages first started shipping. In it's place, Colonists signing up received a signature guitar pic from either Bjorn, Jesper or Peter. Later packages finally got the intended Jesterhead pic.  



2010 Colony Package

Contains the usual items such as a picture, introductory letter and T-shirt as well as a wristband and guitar pic.

  1. 2010 Jesterhead T-Shirt
  2. Printed, autographed band picture (Some were actually signed in ink).
  3. Introductory letter written by the entire band.
  4. Guitar Pic. It should be noted that the intended guitar pic is that from a band member though some recieved the 2009 Jesterhead guitar pic seem above instead as they weren't ready on time the previous year.
  5. In Flames We Trust Jesterhead wristband.


Jesterhead plastic bag promoting the one and only Colony!!!! Thanks to Cindy M for the generosity :)