Want your name up with a shot of your IF collection? Send some pics here and I will show off your collection on the worlds largest In Flames discography website.
Please make your subject line out as "In Flames Collection" and include any group shots you like. Even if you have just one item or 100. But please, don't send individual photos of everything unless they are stand out items. Group shots are great! I would also like it if you include which country you are from. If you are a Jesterhead member, please give me your ID. Thanks :)
I've been listening to In Flames since 2004. Started collecting in '05 and more seriously in '07. By the end of 2007, I wanted to create a website that documented every single release out there- be it official or unofficial, CD, Vinyl, Cassette or all the other various video formats. When I made ./ , I modeled it after my favourite Metallica collecting site - http://www.metallipromo.com/ That former website was my inspiration to be just that for the In Flames collecting world. Your number one source for all that is out there. Hope you like my guide. Don't be shy to add to it :)
Jesterhead ID: Ryetallica
Chris has a stunning vinyl collection ranging from many different metal bands. Though his In Flames collection might be small, he holds some of the rarest gems out there. You can also see what he has to trade on his website here.
A stunning collection indeed. Stefan is currently searching for the following items for his collection. Alias USA Promo on KOCH and Take This Life USA Promo on Ferret Records. You can also check out his website his icelandic horse power website here.
Jesterhead ID: stander68